pick your
Luxe Session $490
The senior portrait experience of a lifetime! You’ll get up to 4 total hours anywhere in the Louisville area, and the number of looks is limitless! The session can be split into two days for even more options. This option is perfect for doing a sport session at your school, for wearing different hairstyles, or for a completely different environment. You will be presented with at least 125 images to choose from.

Due to the amount of time allocated to this session, we will only book these sessions in limited numbers.

The minimum product purchase for this session is $1200.
Standard Session $290
Our most popular session! You'll get up to 2 hours in the outdoor location of your choosing within 30 miles of Louisville. There is no limit to the number of outfits (most seniors can get in 4-5 outfits.) You will be presented with at least 80 images to choose from.

The minimum product purchase for this session is $700.
Lite Session $160
You'll get 45 minutes at the Mellwood studio location with up to 2 outfits and will be presented with at least 25 images to choose from. Lite session dates are limited in availability.

There is no minimum purchase with this session.
Add Ons
Skyline Session - $100
Add a nighttime session overlooking Downtown Louisville at the end of your Standard or Luxe session.
Studio - $160
Add a one-hour studio session to your Standard or Luxe session and get up to three more outfits.
Hair and Make-up Artist - $90
Professional hair and make-up will make you look like a fashion model!
We would love to talk with you more about senior portraits. Give us a call at 502.387.6295 or set up a time for us to call you using the link below.