High school seniors today are doing AMAZING things. You are scholars. You are athletes. You are creating friendships that will last a lifetime. "Average" has never been acceptable...not to your parents, your teachers, your coach, or most importantly, yourself! You don't want shoes from Walmart. You don't want a prom dress made by your neighbor's 2nd cousin. Senior portraits are a once-in-a-lifetime experience and you want to LOVE them. These will be the best photos of you ever. You deserve a photographer who understands how important this moment is...a photographer who wants your senior portraits to not only reflect WHAT you look like, but WHO you are, and is willing to spend the time to find out and make you look your absolute best.
The first step is to discuss exactly what type of session will work best for you. We will talk clothing, accessories, locations, and the types of products you are interested in. After we book the session, we will send you details on how to prepare and give you tips for making this the best possible experience. Your ordering appointment will be scheduled for 2 weeks after your session. And finally, you will pick up your senior portraits approximately 4-6 weeks later and be envy of all of your friends.
Most people invest between $700 and $3500 during their ordering session. We have a variety of products available including digital files, heirloom albums, and wall portraits.

Our goal is for you to end your senior portrait experience with an amazing collection of professional products that you and your family will cherish for a lifetime.
I started my photography business in 2006 after working as a design engineer at GE Appliances for 6 years. I graduated summa cum laude from the University of Louisville Speed Scientific School in 1998. Before engineering school, I studied art at Murray State University and played volleyball there for two years. Photography is an awesome combination of art, math, and science, so it's a perfect fit for me!

From the very beginning, I've been determined to be the best photographer I could be. I've had the opportunity to learn from some amazing photographers over the years and continually work to improve and provide the absolute best experience possible for my clients. Having a career where I can offer people something that will be cherished for the rest of their life is unbelievably rewarding.
I have a wonderful family who supports me! I've been married to my incredibly patient and understanding husband, Mark, for 29 years and we have three children (Jacob 27, Lindsey 25, and Sarah 23).
See more from Tammy Howell Photography at

Louisville Senior PortraitsPhotographer Tammy Howell